Troubleshooting and FAQs

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Why are events not appearing in my project?

There are a few common reasons that you may not see events appear in your project:

1. Your library is configured incorrectly

This is the most common reason events don't appear. To debug this, you can try sending events to Make sure to not use sensitive data while debugging using third-party tools.

  1. Visit and copy “Your unique URL”.
  2. In your PostHog initialization code, replace "" or "" if using the EU Cloud) with the URL you copied from For example:
posthog.init('<ph_project_api_key>', { api_host: '<>' }) // Replace with the URL you copied from
  1. Send a few events from your app.

If events are not visible in, that means you have misconfigured your PostHog library, or incorrectly formatted your events. Consult our guide for how to initialize PostHog.

If events are visible in, it means that you have configured PostHog correctly.

Events visible on

2. PostHog is adblocked

PostHog can be adblocked, even locally. This prevents requests from being sent from your app to PostHog. If you're just testing your setup in development, disable your browser ad blocker and make sure you can see PostHog requests succeeding in the network tab of your browser's developer tools.

For production, the best way to limit the impact of ad blockers is to set up a reverse proxy.

3. An app has been configured incorrectly

Another common reason for missing events is that an app has been configured to drop certain or all events. To debug if this is the case, follow these steps in order:

  1. If you're using the Filter Out app, ensure that it is configured correctly.
  2. Try to temporarily disable the Filter Out plugin.
  3. Try to temporarily disable all other enabled plugins.

4. There is a bug the PostHog library

Sometimes, bugs in the PostHog library may be the cause of missing events. However, this is quite rare.

To debug if this is the issue, most of our SDKs have an option to enable debug logging.

If you're using the JavaScript web library, you can identify failed requests using the network tab in your browser devtools:

  1. Open devtools in your browser and switch to the network tab.
  2. Identify the failed requests to (or if you're using EU Cloud).
  3. Right click one of those requests and click Copy -> Copy as cURL.
  4. See below on how to report your issue and attach your cURL command to get further support.

network request being sent to posthog

5. Events are not ingested after being received by PostHog

If your library is configured correctly and successfully sending events to PostHog, events may get lost in the ingestion pipeline – e.g. if there is an ongoing outage.

To confirm if this is the issue, use the following steps:

  1. Ensure PostHog is not experiencing an incident by checking [the status page]](, as this may cause ingestion lags.

  2. Check PostHog for any ingestion warnings.

  3. Send your event as a cURL request directly

    • i) Copy your cURL request.
      • If you're using the JavaScript web library, you can copy the cURL request from the network tab in your browser devtools.
      • If you're using any other library, you can track your outgoing network requests using something like Wireshark and format them as a cURL request.
    • ii) Decode your request.
    • iii) Send your event a cURL request. Wait 1 hour and check if the event is still not visible in PostHog.

Once you have confirmed there is an issue with event ingestion, you can report your issue to get further support.

How do I speed up my insights and queries?

PostHog dedicates huge amounts of infrastructure to running your insight and queries. We also use a specialized database called an OLAP database (Clickhouse in our case) which is optimized for running analytics queries quickly.

Sometimes, insights and queries can still be slow. Here are some things you can do to speed them up:

1. Select a specific event

Filtering by "All events" is useful, but is also much slower than filtering by a specific event. Try using a specific autocaptured or custom event instead.

2. Reduce the period you're filtering on

A smaller time period means less data to process. You can always adjust the period later if you need to.

3. Change the person properties mode

PostHog provides multiple modes for the behavior of person property filters. You can find and change them in your project settings.

Person properties mode

We recommend using "Use person properties from the time of the event," but "Use person IDs and person properties from the time of the event" is even faster if needed. The tradeoff is that the latter mode creates inaccurate funnels and unique user counts if you have both anonymous and identified users.

You can find more details about how these modes works in our doc on how querying works.

4. Use sampling

Sampling speeds up insights and queries by taking a portion of your data to calculate aggregate results.

This can be enabled on insights by clicking the "Sampling" toggle on insights or the prompt when they are querying.


Does PostHog block bots by default?

Yes, PostHog blocks most known bots by default, including:

Google botsNon-Google bots
'google favicon''bingpreview'
'google web preview''bot.htm'
'screaming frog',
'yahoo! slurp',

Want a bot added to this list? Request it via the in-app feedback form, or raise an issue in the posthog-js GitHub repo.

Is it ok for my API key to be exposed and public?

It is ok for your project API key (starts with phc_) to be public. It is used to initialize PostHog, capture events, evaluate feature flags, and more, but doesn't have access to your private data.

It is not recommended for your personal API key (starts with phx_) to be public as it enables reading and writing potentially private data.

Report your issue

Step 1: Decode your cURL command

  1. Your copied cURL command will look similar to this:
curl 'http://localhost:3000/e?ip=1&_=1691496272289&ver=1.53.4' \
-H 'Origin: http://localhost:3000' \
--data-raw 'data=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' \
  1. Copy the base64 encoded string right after --data-raw 'data=.

  2. Visit and paste the encoded string.

  3. Click decode and paste the decoded output into this format:

POST https://[your-instance].com/capture/
Content-Type: application/json
"api_key": "<ph_project_api_key>",
"event": "event_name",
"distinct_id": "distinct_id_of_your_user",
"properties": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"timestamp": "[optional timestamp in ISO 8601 format]"

Step 2: Submit a support ticket

  1. Submit a support ticket via the app. Submit your issue in the below format, and also include the decoded request from step 1.
# Library:
// e.g.
// posthog-python
# Library initialization:
// e.g.
// from posthog import Posthog
// posthog = Posthog(phc_yourAPIKey, host='')
# What was called:
// e.g.
// posthog.capture(
// "Bob",
// "user_signed_up",
// {
// "login_type": "email",
// "is_free_trial": "true"
// }
// )
# Network request
// [include request from previous step here]
# What was expected to happen:
// e.g.
// To see the network call include the login_type property.
# What actually happened:
// e.g.
// The "login_type" property was missing.


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Tutorials and guides

Got a question which isn't answered below? Head to the community forum to let us know! How to capture and filter events How to filter out internal users How to capture fewer unwanted events How to track high-volume APIs How to set up cross domain tracking How to track pageviews in single-page apps (SPA) How to create actions using CSS selectors How to track common metrics How to track new and returning users How to analyze first and last touch attribution How to calculate time on…

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